Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ode to Sam

So today I will attend the funeral of a great man, Mr. Sam Strickland. I have known Sam all of my life - in fact his wife and my grandmother were first cousins (both now deceased). Sam was quite the character! He always made everyone smile and ALWAYS told every woman he met that she looked as pretty as Brooke Shields - or "I know I've died and gone to heaven, because I have woke up and seen you." He was full of those sayings and flattered every woman he came into contact with.

On the serious side, Sam was our long-time rescue squad photographer. This was back when VHS first came out and the camcorders were HUGE. The squad gave Sam a jumpsuit and there he was at all of our serious incidents and training exercises filming us. It kind of had the "Blair Witch" feel when you watched them because there was always walking, the ground, and then some of the subject on the video LOL. In addition to being involved himself, his biggest sacrifice was that of his two sons. Charles still serves on the squad and is in his 33rd year, and Steve retired a few years ago with over 25 years of service, but he is still quite active and rides along with us some. This is back in the day when we all stayed at home and came running when the pager went off - so he had 2 sons, both on different duty nights, both leaving the house in the middle of the night at varying times. I never heard Sam nor his wife Nancy complain. They gave selflessly to the rescue squad in so many ways. If not through running calls, Mrs. Nancy Strickland would be our receptionist at fundraisers. There has constantly been a contribuation by the Strickland family to EMS ever since I was born!

In addition to serving EMS, Sam was the treasurer of the methodist church for MANY years. He also operated all of the AV equipment and recorded sermons for shut-ins. He delivered meals on wheels and was an avid CB and shortwave radio enthusiast. What a wonderful man, full of personality that we all will miss.

Well this has been my tribute to Sam Strickland. Welcome home Sam!! You're in a better place now.

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